Interested in supporting rural communities in Essex?

24th July 2024

Rural Community Council of Essex (RCCE) is a registered charity that has been at the heart of rural Essex for more than 90 years. It works to help local communities build a thriving and sustainable future focussing on issues such as social isolation, access to services and the shortage of affordable housing that impact on the life chances of people who live and work in the villages and rural towns of Essex today.

RCCE is looking to recruit some new Trustees to join its governing body in readiness for its 2025 AGM. It would be interested in hearing from anyone who shares its passion for rural communities, can offer relevant skills and experience and has some time to give.

RCCE has published some ‘Guidance for Applicants’ which explain more about what it is looking for, what is involved in serving as a Trustee, which is a voluntary, unpaid position, and how you can register your interest. Please click here to find out more.