Help and Guidance for Applicants
Do you need a money for your charity or group working in Essex? Apply to us for a grant!
We know it takes time to apply for funding and have tried to make accessing our grants as simple as possible. By telling us what you need support for via our short online form, our dedicated grants team will work to match this with one, or more, of the charitable funds that we manage.
Where we can give support:
- Any voluntary or community or not-for-profit organisation working to a charitable purpose to benefit local people in Essex, Southend or Thurrock
- A limited number of our funds support individuals. You can make an initial enquiry for yourself or your child.
What we can support:
- Core costs
- Specific projects
- Training opportunities
- Capital items (limited)
What we cannot support:
- For profit businesses
- Contribution to large appeals
- Organisations that give funds or award grants to third parties
- Political campaigning
- The promotion of religion or religious activities that do not benefit the wider public
- Statutory organisations including schools or councils in the discharge of their obligations (PTAs set up as a charity can apply)
- Retrospective funding for activities that have already taken place
What you need in place:
- A management committee with a minimum of three unrelated people (these are responsible for the organisation and make decisions)
- A signed constitution or set of rules
- A bank account in the name of your group which requires two signatories or dual authorisation
- A Safeguarding Policy if you work with children, young people or adults at risk
- An annual budget for your organisation
What else do you need to know?
Our average grant is between £5,000-£7,000, but please apply for what you need.
Once we receive your application, we will acknowledge it by email. We may ask for more information and aim to give you a decision within two months. We currently work with around 400 people who help us to make decisions about our grantmaking. You can find detailed information in our grantmaking guidance.
Accessing wider support
We encourage you to contact your local Council for Voluntary Service, who will be able to provide you with more information and support.
A list of other funders is also available for where else you may seek support.
Contact us
If you are unsure whether to apply for a grant, you may find it helpful to go through our ‘Am I Eligible?’ form.
Alternatively, please contact us. We are happy to speak with you in advance of you applying.