Farewell to a community champion

29th January 2025

It is with great sadness that we learned of the recent death of one of our supporters, Howard Briggs, aged 85.

Howard was a former councillor and Mayor of Southend in 2001/02.  He was also the founder, along with his long-time friend Peter Croysdill, of the Southend Community Fund, as a lasting legacy to support charities and voluntary groups working in Southend-on-Sea.

Howard and Peter worked hard to raise awareness of the Fund and organise a wide range of fundraising events during Howard’s Mayoral year.  They raised an amazing £127,000 and this was just the beginning.  Together with a panel of local people, they encouraged residents and businesses to channel their local giving through the Fund so that it would continue to grow.

To date, the Fund is valued at nearly £550,000 and has awarded grants totalling over £500,000 to charities that are providing support to people of all ages and are tackling issues that include help for the elderly, young people, carers, homelessness, mental health and disability, as well as community spaces and events.

Among the many charities to have received support from the Fund are Chalkwell Lifeguards to buy life-saving equipment, The One Love Project, a charity dedicated to supporting vulnerable people, and Southend YMCA providing practical help and advice to young people.

Peter Croysdill, President of the Southend Fund said, “Howard and I were friends for over 80 years.  He will be greatly missed by his family and those who knew him.  It is of comfort to know that the Southend Community Fund is a lasting legacy and tribute to his commitment and dedication to Southend and the local community that he cared so deeply about.”

David Hurst is Chair of the Southend Community Fund and a Trustee of SAVS (Southend Association of Voluntary Services), as well as being the current High Sheriff of Essex.  David has been involved with the Fund since it began, helping to raise funds and agree which charities should benefit from support.  He said, “Howard was a force for good, always working hard for his local community.  He wanted to create a lasting legacy, something that wouldn’t be there one minute and gone the next.  His foresight in establishing the Southend Community Fund is testament to his determination to make a difference in his local community.”

Zoe Brampton is Grants Manager at ECF.  She said, “Thanks to Howard, the Southend Community Fund, has grown into a significant financial resource to support charities and voluntary groups in Southend.  It is a wonderful legacy that he leaves behind and for which he will always be remembered.”

Howard was a true community champion, and we extend our sympathy to his family, friends and all who knew him.

How to give to the Southend Community Fund:

  • Make a donation online
  • Send a cheque made payable to the Southend Community Fund to Essex Community Foundation, 3 Hoffmanns Way, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1GU
  • Consider making the Southend Community Fund a beneficiary in your Will. Call ECF for more information on 01245 35594 or find out more here